Imágenes mostradas aquí en baja resolución (versiones alta resolución disponibles a pedido)
Galaxy M83
Galaxy M85 with supernova SN2020nlb
Galaxy NGC1365
Galaxy NGC5128 (Cen A)
Galaxy M61 with supernova 2020ifo
Galaxy NGC253 (Sculptor)
Galaxy M31
Dark nebula B86
Dark nebula B33 (Horse Head)
Globular cluster NGC5139 (Omega Centauri)
Globular cluster NGC6101
Globular cluster NGC6397
Nebula IC2944 (Running Chicken)
Nebula NGC3372 (Eta Carinae)
Nebula NGC3372 outer areas
Nebula M20 (Trifid)
Nebula M42
Nebula M17 (Swan)
Nebula IC4703 (Eagle)
Planetary nebula M57 (Ring)
Planetary nebula NGC7293 (Helix)
Nebula NGC2070in LMC (Tarentula)
Galaxy LMC (Large Magellanic Cloud)
Mliky Way with T400 scope
todas imágenes : ©Observatorio del Pangue / Cristian Valenzuela